This quiz is adapted from the Clance impostor phenomenon scale and IP test.
Impostor syndrome is the false belief that you’re not qualified, capable, or deserving of success, achievements, or accomplishments. It’s when you feel like a fraud, even though you aren’t.
The term “impostor phenomenon” was coined in the 1980s by Pauline Clance, PhD, a psychologist in Georgia and author of the book “The Impostor Phenomenon: Overcoming the Fear that Haunts Your Success.”
Clinical psychologists and experts like Dr. Valerie Young — author, speaker, and co-founder of Impostor Syndrome Institute — continue to study and work with folks who experience impostor syndrome.
Adults of all genders, races, and experience levels can feel impostor syndrome. It can be distressing and frustrating but can be managed and overcome once you know you’re experiencing it.
This brief, time-saving questionnaire is intended for use by anyone who thinks they might be experiencing impostor syndrome or impostor phenomenon.
If you’ve been thinking to yourself, “Do I have impostor syndrome?” or “I feel like a fake,” consider taking this free impostor syndrome quiz.
You will not receive a mental health diagnosis by taking this test.
Impostor syndrome is not an official diagnosis recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5). Still, many people identify with it.
Your results can help you better understand whether you may be living with impostor syndrome and to what degree it could be affecting your life.
If this phenomenon impacts your daily life, consider speaking with a mental health professional to learn how to cope with and overcome impostor syndrome.