Feeling distant from your partner, doubting your perception of reality, and feeling guilty are three possible psychological effects of false accusations in a relationship.

When your partner repeatedly accuses you of hurtful behaviors, dishonest motives, or ill intent, it’s natural to feel confused, hurt, and frustrated, particularly if there’s no evidence for those charges.

Constant accusations in a relationship may make you angry and secretive, even when you have nothing to hide. More importantly, it can create a sense of resentment and distrust that may lead to significant challenges with your partner.

The psychological effects of false accusations in a relationship may vary from person to person and depend on the context of those accusations.

In general, being falsely accused of lying, cheating, or wrongdoing of any kind may lead you to experience intense emotions that may impact your life in different aspects.

The most common effects of false accusations on your mood and state of mind include:

  1. anger and annoyance
  2. feeling guarded and defensive
  3. fear and uncertainty
  4. guilt or a sense of not being enough
  5. confusion or a sense of being blindsided
  6. resentment
  7. anxiety
  8. sadness and hopelessness
  9. frustration and irritability
  10. sense of inadequacy
  11. helplessness and a feeling of “what’s the point?”

While these are natural responses when you’re wrongly accused, being constantly questioned about your actions and motives can also lead to these additional long-term psychological effects:


In some cases, receiving relentless accusations in a relationship can make you doubt your memories, sense of what’s natural or adequate, or your perception of reality, explains Kara Nassour, a licensed professional counselor from Austin.

You may also feel guilty even when you know you’re innocent. You might wonder if you did or could have done something to cause your partner’s distrust.

When false accusations cause these effects on you, Nassour cautions, you may be experiencing psychological or emotional abuse.

Gaslighting is a common form of abuse meant to keep a partner questioning reality, explains Kim Bielak, an associate marriage and family therapist from Pasadena. It typically involves persistently questioning what you said, did, or did not do, and challenging your version or memory of events. In time, it makes you doubt yourself.

Sense of loneliness and distrust

When your partner routinely accuses you of doing something malicious you haven’t done, you may feel hurt and confused about their belief that you’re capable of doing such things. “How can they think I am that type of person?” you may start to ask yourself.

You may also start to feel your partner doesn’t have your back or that they don’t know you at all. This, in turn, could make you feel lonely or betrayed in the relationship.

It’s also possible you start to wonder if they may be the ones who are actually in the wrong. Are they feeling guilty for something they did and rather blame it on you?

“[False accusations] can damage your trust and relationship with the person who accused you,” explains Nassour.

They may also impact you enough to make you less trusting in other relationships.


Repeated false accusations can come across as controlling behavior, which can make you resentful and detached from your partner, says Sara Makin, a licensed professional therapist from Pittsburgh.

“The accused person has to plead their case to their partner’s satisfaction, or ignore the issue which will only further distance them,” she explains.

In time, you may start to detach yourself emotionally from the other person and the relationship in an attempt to avoid feeling inadequate and like “the bad guy.”

Does getting angry at accusations mean you’re guilty?

According to a 6-study analysis, most people perceive anger and silence as admissions of guilt, even though these are often valid indications of innocence.

Getting angry after being accused of wrongdoing does not necessarily mean the person is guilty. Anger and resentment are also natural responses to being blamed for something you didn’t do.

Engaging in false accusations against a partner may be tied to feelings of insecurity in a relationship. It may be that your partner believes you did something, or they may know you didn’t, but they still accuse you of it.

Even though there are exceptions, when someone displays this behavior, it tends to be more reflective of the person who accuses than the accused, explains Catherine Hall, a licensed master social worker in New York. The key is that these accusations have no associated past or present evidence.

“False accusations could indicate that the accuser has a difficult time trusting others or has had the experience of being betrayed or lied to repeatedly in the past,” she says.

Other possible meanings of falsely accusing a partner include:


Although not always the case, unfounded claims may reflect the accusing partner’s inner guilt.

This reassignment of feelings is known as “projection” and is a psychological process where your partner places their guilt or insecurity onto you.

An example would be an unfaithful partner who constantly accuses you of flirting, cheating, or seeing other people.

Not everyone who falsely accuses a partner is projecting their guilt.

Possible mental health conditions

Nassour indicates many reasons may underlie feelings of insecurity leading to false accusations in a relationship.

Possible causes of constant accusations may include:

The importance of trust in a relationship

Trust is often considered one of the foundational features of a successful relationship.

The level of trust may even predict future relationship problems.

In a 2020 study using cell phone snooping as a method of assessment, researchers found the development of trust was essential to relationship stability and the avoidance of problems between romantic partners.

There may be ways to address and prevent the psychological effects of false accusations in a relationship.

One of them is ending the connection if you feel it’s impacting your mental health and your partner doesn’t seem willing to stop accusing you.

Other ways to handle an insecure or distrustful partner may include:

Offering validation

Even if you feel defensive, Hall recommends attempting to diffuse the situation by acknowledging your partner’s feelings.

She gives the example of a partner who has experienced infidelity in past relationships, accusing you of an affair.

“You can say, ‘I know your ex betrayed your trust, but I’m not him. It hurts me when you make these accusations, so let’s talk instead of becoming adversaries.'”

Encouraging the use of “I” statements

Bielak recommends encouraging your partner to communicate assertively by using “I” statements. This may help to switch from the accusation to how that suspicion impacts them.

For example, says Bielak, you can encourage your partner to say, “I often feel rejected when you spend so much time focused on other people,” instead of “you’re always flirting with other people.”

Asking for clarity

Getting more information from your partner may help clear up accusations.

“For some people, it may be as simple as not communicating when they will be arriving late,” Makin says. “If you explain the situation and both resolve to communicate more effectively, this should be enough to satisfy the situation.”

Remembering it’s often about their needs

“Know that a false accusation is never your fault. It is a sign that something is bothering your partner, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you caused it,” reminds Nassour.

If relationship insecurities stem from challenges related to past trauma, abuse, or other distressing life events, professional guidance may help.

Your partner may benefit from speaking with a mental health professional alone, or you may find benefits in couple-oriented approaches.

Assessing for indications of abuse

Nassour cautions that ongoing false accusations should be evaluated for abusive behavior patterns.

“A single false accusation could be a misunderstanding,” she says. “But if your partner is frequently jealous, lashes out at you, or gets emotionally over-the-top for reasons most people wouldn’t, it may be part of a deeper and more unhealthy pattern.”

The psychological effects of false accusations in a relationship can be immediate — anger, frustration, or confusion — or they can have a long-term impact that damages trust and erode the relationship completely.

Understanding why your partner feels insecure can help limit the impact of false accusations; however, relentless patterns of blaming and finger-pointing may be a sign of abuse. It’s also possible your partner may need professional support in dealing with a complex underlying cause.