If you’re familiar with personality categories, such as Myers-Briggs and the Enneagram, you likely understand them to bring you self-awareness and information about how you operate on a behavioral and even subconscious level.
Most personality categories aren’t designed to tell you much about your physical health. But, in the 1950s, cardiologists Meyer Friedman and Ray H. Rosenman hypothesized that personalities that sought out stressful lifestyles (what they called Type A) could predispose people to coronary disease.
Although a stressful lifestyle and experiencing a lot of anger
But the ideas and terminology around the two major personality types have remained popular. And many people regularly describe themselves as “Type A” or “Type B.”
People with Type A personalities tend to view life as a competition. This leads them to view other people with hostility. They can come across as aggressive and short-tempered. Type A’s can be impatient and easily upset by little inconveniences.
They’re often workaholics, and their tendencies to be very organized, ambitious, and high achievers feedback into their sometimes unhealthy relationship with work. Type A’s are so drawn to work that they have a hard time relaxing.
They keep their schedules busy, and they very much enjoy obliterating a to-do list. Even though Type A’s thrive in a stressful lifestyle, they often experience facial tension, such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) or tension headaches.
Type B people tend to be more relaxed than Type A. The Type B negative stereotype is someone who’s lazy or who procrastinates, but that’s not the case.
Type B isn’t very competitive and derives pleasure from social interaction. While a Type B person can be ambitious, their ambition is usually modest in comparison to a Type A’s.
Type B doesn’t stress if they’re running late. They’re often creative daydreamers, but that doesn’t mean they’re irresponsible. A Type B person usually tries to do one thing at a time rather than juggling a full schedule or attempting to multitask.
It would be impossible to lump all personality traits into only two categories, so keep in mind that most people display a range of tendencies that span both personality types.
This personality quiz is designed for anyone who might be wondering if they have more of a Type A personality or more of a Type B personality.
The statements in this quiz are designed to help you answer questions such as:
- What does Type A personality and Type B personality mean?
- Which personality type am I?
- Can I be Type A and Type B at the same time?
This personality quiz is not meant to definitively tell you everything about your personality. This quiz is designed to help you understand your primary tendencies and your overall behavior.
Most people don’t starkly fall into only one of these personality categories, but people often have one that is more dominant than the other.
How do you know if I am a Type A or Type B personality?
The easiest way to find out is to take a self-assessment quiz like this one! All you’ll need for this quiz is some self-awareness. Try to be honest in your assessment. Sometimes it’s easy to choose answers that reflect tendencies we would like to have rather than our actual tendencies.
Is there a type C personality?
Yes, and even a Type D, too! For the purposes of this quiz, we’re focusing on the two main types, A and B. But Type C is known to have the perfectionistic qualities of Type A, but without the tendencies to become domineering or aggressive. Type C tends to be a quiet, introverted person who’s attuned to the needs of others.
What is the difference between Type A and Type B?
In general, Type A is more prone to stress, whereas Type B is more relaxed. Type A tends to be short-tempered, while Type B is even-tempered. Type A is proactive, and Type B is more reflective.
Type A competes to win, and B enjoys competition for the sake of having fun. Type A enjoys multitasking and juggling multiple projects, and B prefers to work on one thing at a time so they can focus.
Can you be both Type A and B personality?
Most people don’t fall solely under one category — that’s why there are many different types of people in the world! It’s not unusual to have characteristics of both Type A and Type B personalities. But an individual will often have one type that’s more dominant than the other.