Feeling as though you’re depressed even though you ‘have everything’ may bring with it feelings of guilt and frustration.

Depression isn’t solely linked to trauma or catastrophic events. Anyone can experience depression, even someone who appears to have wonderful life circumstances.

When you’re living with depression and your life feels blessed, you may subconsciously invalidate what you’re feeling.

However, depression doesn’t discriminate based on good fortune. What you’re feeling is still real and valid.

You don’t need a reason to feel depressed. Depression isn’t a fleeting emotion.

When you can’t identify a cause for depression symptoms, however, it can be challenging to open up about what you’re feeling.

You may feel stigmatized or doubted by those around you. Questions like, “What do you have to be depressed about?” can make you feel guilty or ashamed about your symptoms.

Guilt and shame can be powerful forces that may make you pretend like everything is fine when deep down you’re feeling isolated and alone.

Some studies have shown that stress can disrupt chemical messengers in the brain, particularly in the regions that control mood and emotion.

Over time, as the chemical messengers become unbalanced, the brain’s neural lines of communication can start to deteriorate.

In some people, this may generate symptoms of depression.

Not everyone responds to stress in the same way or finds the same things distressing. What might appear as depression for “no reason” may really be depression from sleepless nights, immense job responsibilities, or a pile-up of everyday pressures.

Stress and depression are unique to your circumstances.

Many things can contribute to an increased chance you’ll experience depression, including:

  • genetics
  • chronic stress and loneliness
  • personality predispositions (pessimism, low self-esteem)
  • environmental exposures (violence, neglect, abuse, poverty)

Depression isn’t always linked to your current life circumstances.

Having everything just as you want it now doesn’t mean life was always easy. Many of the habits and beliefs you carry into adulthood are a result of learning experiences you had as a child.

Known as adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), negative exposures during childhood can leave significant impressions on you later in life.

ACEs aren’t always traumatic, though they’re often events of abuse or violence. They can also be anything from bullying at school and absent parents to living in unsafe neighborhoods.

ACEs can be one factor in explaining symptoms of mental health issues including depression.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 61% of adults report having experienced at least one ACE, and ACEs have been linked to approximately 21 million cases of depression.

Other hidden areas that may contribute to depression could include:

Depression doesn’t have to come from one significant event. It can be from weeks, months, or years of exposure to other chronic stress factors.

If you’re living with depression even though life is good, you don’t have to hide away your feelings. You have nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about.

Tips for coping include:

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Depression is treatable. You can feel better.

CBT is a form of psychotherapy that aims to identify unhelpful thought patterns and beliefs that might be impacting your day-to-day life.

This type of therapy can help you develop coping mechanisms and alternative behaviors to help manage depression. Consider speaking with a mental health professional to help you discover if this treatment option best fits your needs.

Support networks

Knowing you’re not alone can help keep you from thinking your symptoms of depression are unfounded.

Support groups, in-person or online, can help you share your experiences with other people in similar situations.

Instead of feeling as though you have to pretend everything is fine, you can express your thoughts and concerns in a receptive setting.


Depression is a mental health condition. It’s not a choice, and it’s not something you can chase away with humor or by “cheering up.”

When you understand depression, you can start to see why it doesn’t need a reason.

Educating loved ones about depression can also help those around you offer empathy and support, rather than skepticism.

Each person is affected differently by depression. If you notice that you have symptoms of depression, but you’re still able to maintain day-to-day tasks, you may be experiencing high functioning depression.

Consider exploring ways you can manage symptoms unique to your experience and cope with depression. Support from loved ones and professionals may help you identify how to best address your needs.


Feeling as though you’re living with depression for no reason may make you self-critical. You may become unforgiving toward yourself, questioning why you’re feeling this way.

Instead of judging your thoughts harshly, self-compassion encourages you to know it’s okay to feel what you’re feeling and to focus on how to feel better.

Self-compassion is the process of being kind and empathetic to yourself. It means allowing yourself to be vulnerable and human.


General wellness can slip through the cracks when you live with depression.

It can take time to establish a daily routine that incorporates strategies that can help you manage depression.

If you notice that your depression is impacting your well-being, consider practicing patience and self-compassion to discover daily habits that will support you during this time.

Helpful habits that may help improve your mood are:

  • creating a morning and night routine
  • meditation
  • setting aside to meal prep nutritious meals
  • exercising (yoga, weightlifting, walking)
  • spending time outside
  • practicing healthy sleep habits

You don’t have to do this alone. A healthcare or mental health professional can support you in figuring out how to boost your mood and overall wellness.

Depression doesn’t need a concrete reason. It’s okay to not understand or know why you’re experiencing symptoms.

Depression is a diagnosable mental health condition. You don’t have to continue living with symptoms of depression.

This condition is considered treatable and can often be managed through medication, CBT, and wellness practices.

If suicidal thoughts are surfacing…

If you feel as though you need someone to talk with or if you or someone you know are considering self-harm or suicide, you’re not alone. Help is available right now: