We all feel the trauma. Whether you’re already fighting the virus or still in the dread-and-fear stage, it’s traumatic especially when your monthly cycle goes berserk.
Was it only a fortnight ago that I fell ill? Time loses all relevance when you find yourself in the grip of Covid-19. All I know is that my husband, Rhys, and I have been sick for a bloody long time.
On March 26th I described my symptoms in Our Experience With…Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Its odd how the symptoms come and go each day. One moment, youll feel pretty good. But if you walk into a draught, the virus hits you again and you feel so sick for the remainder of the day. Intestinal cramping and bouts of diarrhoea come and go. Energy and exhaustion come and go as does the fever. The good news is that both Rhys and I had good appetites regardless of our symptoms. If anything, weve been eating rather more than usual. A kind neighbour delivers groceries to the hall outside our flat and flees before we open the door.
In that blog posting, quite by chance I mentioned a strange symptom I only suspected being caused by the coronavirus: massive and untimely menstrual flow. Two other women instantly chimed in with shockingly similar tales. Of course, we’re not doctors so I can’t prove the connexion between menstrual upheaval and Covid-19, but a woman knows.
The virus brought on what I assumed was a long AWOL monthly cycle. With no warning, I woke in the wee hours to find my body forcibly evacuating my entire uterine lining. In just two hours, the ordeal was over. It stopped as suddenly and inexplicably as it started.
‘What if I had been pregnant?’ I wondered to Rhys. ‘Would it have caused a miscarriage?’
We don’t know.
After reading of my experience, Christina posted this comment:
Im in shock! Me and my husband believe we both had the virus before everyone was talking about it! Our story is pretty much a mirror of yours! The thing that has got me is Ive been in menopause for seven years!! Following the sickness I had one of the worst periods of my life!!! I went to my gynaecologist and just last week had a dnc they went after polyps only to find after I had none??? Could this be somehow related???
Mel also chimed in:
I have to say I had the exact symptoms and tried to convince myself that it was just a virus however the part that astounded me about your account was the part about your menstrual period. Mine hit me with no warning and led me to being sat on the toilet as super plus tampax were not hitting the spot and then within a day there was no sign of me ever having a period weird!!!.
One week after my first episode, it happened again and, just as before, there was no warning. One moment I was fine, the next moment I felt the gush, jumped to my feet heading for the WC at a dead run but I was too late.
The flow was so heavy and constant, tampons and sanitary napkins were futile. Luckily, I was isolated in our flat when it happened. My only choice was to make myself comfortable in the bathtub with a good book and simply wait. Rhys was terrified that I was bleeding out but I assured him I had no weakness, no dizziness. I lost count after passing about fifty clots.
Five hours later …
In the week since the last episode, my period has continued at a normal rate with cramping. While the body aches and fever associated with coronavirus are gone, I’m still too anxious to leave our flat. What if the flooding happens again? What if it comes on while I’m at the shops? There’s no tampon large enough, even when coupled with a maxi pad, to handle the flow. I feel like a prisoner in my own flat.
In vain, I searched the web for other women’s stories. If the link between Covid-19 and abnormal menstruation has been made, I can’t find it. So, as I told Rhys, ‘Since I can’t find any information about it, I’ll have to write it myself’.
Ladies – Be prepared!!! If you fear you may contract or already have contracted the coronavirus, in addition to your mask and gloves, always have a change of trousers, knickers and the largest sanitary napkins and/or tampons with you at all times. Tell your daughters. It’s nothing to be afraid of but it’s also not pleasant.
In the words of our Queen:
… we will succeed, and that success will belong to every one of us. We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return. We will be with our friends again. We will be with our families again. We will meet again.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Photo by RenaudPhoto