If you experience ADHD, there are tools available to help you express your creative ideas in writing.

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People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be easily distracted, lack focus, and experience short-term memory, making writing a challenge. Approaching a writing task may require patience to find strategies and routines that best support you.

It can be difficult to organize your thoughts on paper, but you can take baby steps toward completion.

Resources can help you learn how to manage your symptoms and overcome any challenges you may be facing.

The signs and symptoms of ADHD center around inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. So, when presented with a writing task, the following symptoms may hinder your progress:

  • difficulty organizing tasks
  • difficulty sustaining attention
  • inattention to details
  • procrastination
  • easily distracted by unrelated thoughts or stimuli

Studies show that students with ADHD exhibit a deficiency in written expression tasks that require organization and attention to detail.

For example, a study focused on middle-school students found approximately 1 in 5 had a writing impairment. The same impairment was also found in reading and math, as these areas also require focus and organization.

A 2017 study suggests that ADHD may affect writing performance due to working memory and attention deficits. Similar studies also show a direct relationship between ADHD and handwriting weakness.

But individuals with ADHD don’t lack creative ideas. Research published in 2020 suggests that ADHD may be associated with increased creativity, but further research is needed to support this information.

If you’re experiencing difficulty writing, many strategies can help you organize your ideas on paper or electronically.

Note system

Consider a writing topic that you’re interested in. You can then brainstorm using individual small sticky notes to jot down your ideas and thoughts.

This system will allow you to categorize your messages into similar themes. If you’d like, transfer your notes from brainstorming into an outline to further organize your writing.

Start slow

It can be overwhelming if you try to tackle everything at once. Consider focusing on the first paragraph only.

You can write a few sentences and see how it goes. Then, reapproach the task adding more sentences each time until you reach your desired stopping point.

Use a graphic organizer

A graphic organizer, such as a Venn diagram or a concept map, can help with memory recall and organizational skills.

Using a graphic organizer may allow you to categorize important topics and help break down your writing into manageable steps.

The composition of a paragraph has many layers. It can be helpful to organize your creative ideas visually.

Write in a journal

Writing in a daily journal can be a great way to coordinate your thoughts and practice writing. In addition, reflecting on your ideas for the day may help get you in the swing of writing.

Use speech-recognition software

Instead of using a keyboard to get thoughts to paper, you may find it easier to dictate them.

For example, using a speech-to-text software program can allow you to speak the sentences that then appear on your computer screen. Then, once your thoughts are on paper, you can construct the flow and align similar ideas.

Word-prediction software

Word-prediction software, such as Grammarly, is excellent for spell-checking, finding the right words, and sentence structures. Think of it as a personal writing assistant that ensures you use the correct punctuation and grammar.

Authors with ADHD

You can be successful as a writer no matter how small or big the task. Just a take a look at these famous writers diagnosed with ADHD:

  • Agatha Christie was a world-famous novelist of numerous stories like “Murder on the Orient Express.”
  • Dev Pilkey is a wildly successful children’s book writer of “Captain Underpants” and “Dog Man.”
  • Jules Verne was a famous French novelist who wrote “A Journey to the Center of the Earth.”
  • George Bernard Shaw was a well-known playwright and Nobel prize winner.

Their achievements and notoriety are proof that you can overcome the challenges of ADHD. The obstacles ahead shouldn’t stop you from achieving your dreams of working as a successful writer if that’s your goal.

Managing your ADHD isn’t always easy. But, even though specific tasks may be more challenging for you, like overcoming procrastination and being organized, they aren’t impossible.

Consider taking your time when getting started and doing more research to discover tools that work best for you. If you aren’t sure where to start, you may find comfort in a trusted friend or loved one to help you get your ideas on paper.

A mental health professional can also provide support and determine various approaches to help you overcome writing challenges. You’re not alone.