We know trust is earned, so we’re happy to share more about how Psych Central creates content with links to vetted products and services.

Finding health and wellness information is easy. It’s everywhere. But finding trustworthy, relevant, usable information can be hard and even overwhelming.

Psych Central is changing all that.

We’re making high-quality, evidenced-based health information understandable and accessible, so you can make the best decisions for yourself and the people you love. We’re also committed to creating experiences that help you take action toward living your strongest, healthiest life.

As part of the article creation process, our health and wellness editors will occasionally include links to relevant products they feel are useful to our readers.

We lead with integrity

We add links to products only when we identify a need or when it adds value to our readers.

As health and wellness are increasingly commodified, we take care to understand the line between products, services, and tools that provide real, tangible value versus those that don’t. 

Like all of our content, the creation of product reviews, roundups, and articles with shopping links are editorially independent, and we maintain a healthy separation between our editorial and business teams throughout the content creation process. We also enforce a robust advertising policy that ensures sponsors and business partners never influence our content.

How we select products

Our editorial team spends hours analyzing data and combing through reader feedback to understand what our readers are looking for — whether that’s a good online therapy service, the best apps for meditation, or book recommendations for kids with anxiety.

Then we dive into researching and vetting products and brands against our own criteria for quality, accessibility, cost, and availability to bring you recommendations for what we think offer good value for your money.

We aim to create content that is balanced and objective, clearly pointing out both pros and cons of the products we include, along with transparent information on pricing.

And if we do share something that hasn’t passed our vetting process, we’ll be transparent about why, so you can make an informed decision.

We also consistently reevaluate all brands that partner with Psych Central on a regular basis to ensure they continue to meet our standards. If a product or brand is re-evaluated and no longer meets our standards, we’ll remove it from our site.

If you make a purchase at the retailer’s site after clicking one of our links, Psych Central may receive a small share of the revenue from that purchase.

That revenue supports our independent editorial process and helps us deliver on our mission to create a stronger, healthier world. No editorial staff, nor contributors from our Medical Network, receives a commission from those purchases. 

In instances where we develop a direct business partnership with a brand or retailer, our Medical Affairs team validates those partners to ensure that Psych Central works only with organizations that perform due diligence and are transparent with their customers regarding objective measures of product safety, quality, and efficacy.

Simply, we do the legwork — backed by a team of experts — so you don’t have to. We want you to feel confident in the choices you make for your health and well-being.