Disclaimer: This quiz is for entertainment purposes only. In no way is this an empirically validated test. The concepts presented are not rooted in any known research.

The human brain is a complex organ. It contains about 100 trillion connections and 100 billion neurons.

Understanding the brain and how it works remains one of the greatest mysteries of science and medicine. Your brain is the command center for your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

There are two halves, or hemispheres, of the brain. Each side manages certain functions.

While both sides look exactly alike, the way each processes information is different.

There’s a theory that people have one dominant side of their brain — that you’re either a right-brain or left-brain thinker.

According to this theory, left-brained thinkers tend to be more analytical and methodical. Right-brained thinkers are more creative or artistic.

This theory was first introduced by Nobel Prize winner Roger W. Sperry in the 1960s. According to Sperry’s research, the right brain helps you with:

  • imagination
  • rhythm
  • holistic thinking
  • arts
  • intuition
  • daydreaming
  • visualization of feelings

The left brain, on the other hand, helps you with:

  • logic
  • mathematics
  • thinking in words
  • sequencing
  • linear thinking
  • facts

There’s no current research to confirm whether this theory is correct. But the fact remains that there are two halves of the brain that function in different ways. The exact functioning can vary from person to person.

Whether you’re a whiz at math or a savant with a paintbrush, both halves of your brain play a role in how you function daily.

This brief, time-saving questionnaire is intended for use by anyone who’s ever thought about whether they’re more logical or creative.

Your score will help you determine whether you’re a right-brain or left-brain thinker.

You will not receive a mental health diagnosis by taking this test.

The left brain versus right brain theory is not a proven concept. Still, many people identify with it.

No one part of your brain is truly dominant over the other, but you can better understand your strengths and potential growth areas.

If you’re concerned or want to know more about how your brain impacts your mental health, consider speaking with a mental health professional.