Whether it’s that lower belly pooch or that “hello betty” arm flab you can’t get rid of, many of us have a certain physical feature that we wish we could change.

It’s not uncommon to feel self-conscious about those features occasionally or even to want to hide them.

But when those insecurities become all-consuming and begin to interfere with your daily life, you may be experiencing body dysmorphic disorder (BDD).

But what is body dysmorphia? It can be defined as an “excessive and persistent preoccupation with perceived defects or flaws in one’s appearance.”

If you have BDD, you likely have recurring or intrusive thoughts about your physical imperfections. These ruminating thoughts can last for hours or even an entire day.

Other common behaviors associated with BDD include:

  • camouflaging your body (with clothing, makeup, hair, hats, etc.)
  • comparing your body to someone else’s
  • avoiding mirrors or constantly checking yourself in a mirror
  • picking your skin
  • grooming or exercising excessively
  • changing clothes excessively
  • seeking surgery

Not everyone experiences BDD in the same way. It can depend on the compulsive thoughts you may be having.

While one person may have obsessive thoughts about those “love handles” they can’t seem to lose, another person may be having thoughts about the “fine lines” on their face.

If you think you may have BDD, consider reaching out to a healthcare or mental health professional. Talking with someone about how you’re feeling may be the first step in figuring out what you’re experiencing and ways to cope.

This short, free body dysmorphia test is meant for anyone who thinks they may benefit from an evaluation for body dysmorphic disorder.

The statements in this quiz can help you figure out whether you might need the support of a mental health professional for the symptoms you’ve been experiencing.

A therapist can also help you determine if your issues may be a symptom of a different mental health condition and recommend a treatment plan if necessary.

This online screening is not intended to be a diagnostic tool. It will not guarantee that you may be diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder.

Only a licensed mental health professional or trained medical doctor can give you a diagnosis and help you figure out the next best steps for you.

If you think a partner, friend, or family member may be living with BDD, you can take this quiz on behalf of them as well.

Keep in mind that the results may not be as accurate because they’re based on your perception of them and not their direct personal experience.