Emotionally abusive people, by definition, hold double standards in intimate relationships. They justify and excuse their actions but hold their partners to standards that demean and control.
Here are 13 double standards that are characteristic of an emotionally abusive and controlling partner:
- Flirt with others and say it is harmless, but accuse you of being unfaithful
- Insist that you never disclose to others private things they have told you, but betray you by disclosing to others things you said in confidence when being vulnerable
- Keep finances separate or lie about spending but demand full disclosure of your finances
- Withhold affection or sex when upset but demand you be affectionate or sexual regardless of how you feel
- Blame you for their moods or abusive behavior but if youre upset tell you its your problem, not theirs
- Stonewall and withdraw when upset but bully you into disclosing what you are thinking even if you are hurt, anxious or upset
- Humiliate you in front of others but fly into a rage if you say anything less than completely positive about them in public
- Refuse to tell you where they go or what they are doing but demand to know your schedule and whereabouts
- Become rageful or sulk if you dont do what they want but ignore your feelings and requests
- Wont tolerate any questioning or dissent but freely criticize you, second-guessing you or playing devils advocate
- Make decisions and commitments that affect you without telling you but demand you check with them before you make any decisions
- Overlook your needs and desires but insist that you pay attention to theirs
- Become outraged when feeling you arent there for them but repeatedly let you down and leave you feeling abandoned
These double standards can confuse and disempower you. An emotionally abusive relationship can leave you feeling one or more of the following:
- Trapped
- Walking on eggshells
- Blindsided
- On an emotional roller coaster
- Used
- Confused as to why someone who says he or she loves you treats you so badly
- Anxious
- Emotionally unsafe
- Frustrated or angry
- Isolated
- Hopeless
- Fatigued
- Not good enough
- Rejected
If you recognize some of these double standards in your relationship and feel some of these emotions, these are warning signs of an unhealthy relationship. You may need to honestly assess whether the relationship is right for you. Speak with trusted friends or a therapist.
If physical abuse or violence or threats of violence are present, protect yourself from harm. Violence or threats of violence are never okay in a relationship.
Copyright Dan Neuharth PhD MFT